The news that Lenovo will present a folding screen smartphone first came from the Weibo platform. This Twitter-like application shows someone sharing a video featuring a Lenovo logo that can be folded.
Interestingly, the upload was immediately replied by Lenovo. Through an account called Lenovo Mobile, the Chinese company wrote "See you in October.
This reply indicates that it will indeed launch the folding cellphone next month. But at that time Lenovo wanted to make a lot of people curious, because it did not give a definite answer.
The latest news is blowing again on Lenovo folding screen smartphone. Reporting from BGR, it is known from the design of the Lenovo folding cellphone patent that was revealed.
The design carried by this folding cellphone is quite different from the folding cellphone that has been introduced by several vendors.
Meaning, By design, the device does not represent most smartphones currently available.
In the panten shows a long shape makes it more like a television remote than a cellphone. In addition, the smartphone is also quite thick so that when bent looks wrinkles on the side of the body.
But unfortunately, the design is just a patent, so it is still not known whether Lenovo will present the mobile phone in the market in the near future.
Previously, they did have time to show the concept of folding phones for the first time in June 2016. A year later, they re-emerged the concept with an updated design.
By presenting a folding screen smartphone, it looks like Lenovo wants to show its existence, as a smartphone brand that continues to make breakthroughs.