Gingerbread Will Get Ice Cream Sandwich Upgrade Via OTA


Having the latest release of Android Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS), made ​​Android lovers want to get the Galaxy Nexus as soon as possible. Naturally, since the Galaxy Nexus is the first Android smartphone running Android 4.0. In a number of European retailers, Galaxy Nexus will be released to the market with an average price of $800 in early November.

But don’t worry if you have Android phones today and still using Android Gingerbread. That's because the Gingerbread Android phones will get an upgrade to the ICS.

About the ICS update for Android Gingerbread is told by two high-ranking Google Gabe Cohen and Matias Duarte. According to Google they are currently preparing ICS OTA (On The Air) update for the Nexus S. As known Nexus S is the first Android phone running Android Gingerbread.

With the ICS ported to the Nexus S then in theory the ICS will be given to other Gingerbread phones.  ICS is the latest version of Android which is a major reshuffle of the Android version ever to include a variety of new features. ICS is also called as a blend of Gingerbread and Honeycomb.
