Amazon Kindle Touch Free 3G In 100 Countries

Amazon launched the new Kindle model called Kindle Touch. This eBook reader has an E Ink high contrast screen, and the IR touch screen similar to that used by the Nook and the latest Kobo. Kindle is also the smallest to date, because there is no need for a keyboard. Kindle Touch will be available at a price of only $ 99, making it one reader e-book reader with E Ink cheapest on the market.


In addition to WiFi budget model, Amazon will also offer versions that can connect to 3G at a price of $ 149. No monthly fees or contracts to use 3G, and working with wireless networks in 100 countries. Of course, we're talking about 3G data to download the book and maybe do a little web surfing and not much else. Kindle Touch pre-order has been opened and is expected to be marketed on November 21.

kindle touch

Kindle without a touchscreen? That's the new Kindle. It's slightly smaller and lighter than the Kindle Touch ... and at a price that is cheaper, only $ 79. Like the previous model of the Kindle, an ebook reader has a button to change pages. And the little one weighs less than 7 ounces.

Amazon also includes "special offers" which means you will see the ads and local transactions on your screen saver.
