Google still can not completely eradicate the problem of malware and viruses at the store of their applications (Android Market). Because the security agency recovered a malicious script in Android applications which is available on Android Market.
Security institution indicate there are at least four applications in the Android Market are infected with malware DroidDream Light that has plagued e-Store up to three times this year. Researchers at North Carolina State University have announced that they have found that the malware is able to bypass the premium SMS number.
"Fortunately the malware is available in the Android Market for short periods of time so that the number of downloads is limited to accounts from 1.000 to 5.000 only," explained the security Lookout, as reported by the Tech World, on Wednesday (13/07/2011).
Researchers from North Carolina State University found HippoSMS on 10 July. It is estimated, the circulation of this program are in the Android market China.
"Our investigations show that HippoSMS directly target the host application so that when the application is run it will soon turn on themselves to send SMS messages to premium numbers," said the security forces.
Protect Your Android From Malware
The security forces said one of the ways that Android users can avoid malware is to always be careful and check the permissions when accessing an application.