Ashton Kutcher Account’s Was Hijacked!

Twitter Account belong to actor and presenter MTV Punk'd Ashton Kutcher was hacked by security activists the TED conference. The demo suggests an ascetic importance of SSL security.

The show demonstrates how important the SSL security on social networking platforms. According to ReadWriteWeb, Kutcher’s account that has 6,393,635 followers was hijacked yesterday by a participant who is also the TED conference he attended.

Hacker (hacking), it sends a message in Kutcher’s account contain, "Ashton, you've been Punk'd. This account is not secure.Dude, Where's my SSL? ". SSL security protocol allows users to access the site safely without misgivings.

To verify that the account was hijacked, hacker send the next message, "P.S. This is for those young protesters around the world who deserve not to have their Facebook & Twitter accounts hacked like this. #SSL".

Social networking platforms like Facebook and Twitter are expected to move their platform to a more secure platform to protect its users. SSL protection will be very useful when users access the site from the public network at a cafe or hotel.

After Ashton’s accounts actor was hijacked, the global PR Twitter account to send a message, "Users can use Twitter via It have been prepared long time and will be available soon."
