Astronauts who feel lonely in the space station can now rejoice, following the Japanese plan to send Android robot.
This robot is not just any robot, because it also can send a tweet. Japan's space agency, JAXA, is considering sending robots to the international space station to oversee the work, while the astronauts slept.
In addition, the robot can also monitor astronaut health and stress levels, and communicate with Earth through the micro blogging site Twitter.
The plan expressed by JAXA this week. They hope to send a robot that can communicate with the center via Twitter, especially to send photos. The robot could also become friends and give comfort to the astronauts.
Following the program 'Robonaut' R-2 from NASA, which is scheduled to be launched by space shuttle Discovery next week, Japan android is expected to be a big part of efforts to create robots that can be used in senior citizens.