Web app developer Sencha has profiled Samsung's Android-based Galaxy Tab in comparison to Apple's iPad, concluding that while it is billed as "the first mass-market Android tablet; unfortunately, it’s a little bit of a disappointment."
Sencha develops JavaScript frameworks to enable developers to create apps--including rich multitouch mobile apps for iOS and Android devices--built from web standards. The company is therefore intently interested in how well new products support HTML5 and its related web standards, including advanced CSS3 transforms, SVG, Canvas animations, Web Sockets, embedded multimedia playback, and overall JavaScript performance. As Quoted from AppleInsider
News Analysis: When it comes to Android tablets, there are lots of choices, no two of which are the same.
The problem of which tablet to choose has grown significantly beyond the once default choice—the Apple iPad. Now there are a number of Android tablets on the market, and there are more tablet choices coming. Viewsonic is starting to offer a tablet that works with either Android or Microsoft Windows 7. News by Eweek
The Samsung Galaxy tablet has a lot of flaws that outnumber most of it its good points. I blame the Samsung hardware design and the Android OS 2.2, which is outdated in my opinion. Google says that the OS was never designed for the tablets, which is why most of the touchpad devices suck big time.
As compared to the iPad, the Galaxy tablet lacks many things. even though the iPad doesn’t have a front and rear facing camera, people still love it because of its slew of facilities and a long list of compatibilities. As quoted from TechReviews
While according to PopHerald "Samsung Galaxy Tablet is an attention magnet even without the official endorsement of Google, and Android's much-anticipated update, the Android Gingerbread"